5 Tips to Jumpstart Stalled Fat Loss

“I don’t get why I’m not losing weight” . . . .

This is a common statement with clients I work with. They weigh themselves after what they perceive to be a great week of training and clean eating, only to see the scale display the same number as last week.

They often get frustrated until I educate them to understand that it is all part of the process. You are going to experience ups and downs. Fat loss is not a linear process, and if it is, you’re probably doing something drastic and unsustainable. Weight loss plateaus WILL happen to everyone, regardless of age, gender, ability level or training methods. While 1 week of stalled progress doesn’t indicate you’ve plateaued, if you haven’t seen progress in 4 weeks or more, it may be time to reevaluate your strategies and make some changes.


Here are 5 things you can do to jumpstart stalled fat loss:


1.) Increase your protein intake. Almost without exception, active people don’t get enough protein to meet their needs. I had a coaching call last week with a client who was shocked to see how little he was getting each day. Protein not only supports and helps build muscle, but it also is very satiating and fills us up. Try to consume at least .7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, per day.


2.) If you aren’t already, start tracking your calorie intake. Studies have shown that most people drastically underestimate the number of calories they consume daily by as much as 50%. The handfuls of candies when you pass the desk at work add up, the 1-2 sodas a day add up. Make sure you’re keeping track of anything you consume that has calories.


3.) Make changes to your exercise program using the FITT principle. This means changing the frequency, intensity, time, or type of exercise you’re doing. Any of these variables could potentially help you get moving in the right direction.


4.) Start lifting weights to build muscle. Adding muscle to your body will increase your basal metabolic rate which means you burn more calories overall, even when not exercising. Losing body fat alone through diet or cardio doesn’t do this. As a matter of fact, it will actually slow your metabolism and fat loss.


5.) Make sure you’re getting adequate sleep. Lack of sleep has been shown to contribute to altering of hormones and a decrease in metabolic rate. People who get only 4-5 hours sleep regularly, have shown a 2.6% decrease in their metabolism.



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About the Author:

Chris Proctor, contributing blogger

Chris helps people reach their fitness goals. He’s been a coach since 2009, has a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine and certifications from NSCA and NPTI. He live in New Hampshire (Live free or die) with his wife Keira, their son Wes, and their daughter Serena.

Website: http://www.chrisproctorwellness.com